In this special encore episode #33 0f the J. B. Sisam Show, we are consistently reminded that one thing begins and another ends. Lies are something that takes away our success. So, why do we believe them?

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These lies keep us from pursuing the destiny God has given us. If that’s the case, why do we believe them? In today’s episode, we dive into 5 lies we all believe from time to time that keep us from achieving the success God has destined for us.

This episode was originally recorded November 3rd, and aired November 4th.

In Today’s Episode:

  • Putting first things first.
  • How to give focus to the things that matter most.
  • Putting order to priorities.
  • How to find power and focus.
  • Learn how to turn intentions into action.

Resources in today’s episode:

Let’s have a conversation:

[reminder]What are your top priorities?[/reminder]

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