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The J. B. Sisam Show™ is my weekly podcast dedicated to helping you stay motivated with clarity. My number one goal is to for you to find your voice and succeed at life.

I post the podcast every Wednesday morning of each week. By subscribing in iTunes, you will receive every episode completely for free.

Using Technology for Your Writing Business – Episode 166

Using Technology for Your Writing Business – Episode 166

Technology is booming and moving faster than ever. Sometimes it's hard to keep up with the ever increasing demand to try out new tech companies giving us their absolute best. In today's episode, I distill down to the bear essential pieces of tech I use in...

Ten Effective Time Management Tips | Ep. 163

Ten Effective Time Management Tips | Ep. 163

Have you ever thought to yourself that there aren’t enough hours in the day, or felt overwhelmed at the tasks facing you? If you have, this podcast episode can help you! I open up about how I handle my time management and offer some of my favorite tips to helping you...

My Favorite Self-Editing Methods | Ep. 160

My Favorite Self-Editing Methods | Ep. 160

You’ve finished your manuscript; congratulations, but now the hard part begins, the dreaded self-editing. It’s one of those necessary evils that halt you in your steps to becoming a published author. But should it be that way? If you’re like me, you...

Why Should I Switch to Scrivener? | Ep. 157

Why Should I Switch to Scrivener? | Ep. 157

Scrivener is a powerful tool that can help you take your writing to the next level. But why should I desire to switch from Microsoft Word to using Scrivener for all my writing? In today's episode I open up about my experience with using Scrivener to write...

Is That Really You God? | Ep. 165

Is That Really You God? | Ep. 165

It's been two years, two months, and 15 days since I last recorded an episode of the J. B. Sisam Show. A lot has transpired over the last two years and this episode is a fill-you-in episode where I have been asking myself the question... Is that really you God?...

Write with Excellence to Glorify God | Ep. 162

Write with Excellence to Glorify God | Ep. 162

We are called to do everything for the glory of God. Everything we do should be done with excellence. I'm not talking about perfection, because no one is perfect. But we should do everything for God's glory. In this episode I talk about how our job is to...

How Do I Know What to Write? (Ep. 156)

How Do I Know What to Write? (Ep. 156)

Blinking cursors are the bane of the writing life. Yet, how many times do we sit down and have zero clue what to write? How do we know what we should write and who our message is for? In today's episode, we're talking about how to push past our own...

Don’t live by other’s expectations of you. | Ep. 164

Don’t live by other’s expectations of you. | Ep. 164

We all have people in our lives who try and place their unwanted expectations of who they think you should be on you. It's hard enough to try and determine who we think we are, let alone seeing someone else tell us who they think we are. In today's...

The Fastest Way to Achieving Your Goals. | Ep. 161

The Fastest Way to Achieving Your Goals. | Ep. 161

Have you ever set a Goal before and then failed to achieve that goal? Goals don't get accomplished on their own. They take work and a set of specific plans to make them become a reality. In this week's episode I talk about the fastest way to achieving...

4 Secrets to Writing Your Book | Ep. 158

4 Secrets to Writing Your Book | Ep. 158

There are two types of writers: you are either a writer who's serious about your craft, or you get nothing finished. In today's episode I talk about a Tik-Tok video I recorded about the 4 secrets to writing a book and how to be successful at that one task....

How Do You Change Your Belief Pattern? | Ep. 155

How Do You Change Your Belief Pattern? | Ep. 155

We all have dreams, hopes, desires, and visions for our life. We ask questions, we seek advice, attend seminars, but really, the answer for what the future holds is already deep inside your soul. In today's episode I want to talk about our belief patterns...

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Jason Sisam
Using Technology for Your Writing Business – Episode 166
Ten Effective Time Management Tips | Ep. 163
My Favorite Self-Editing Methods | Ep. 160
Why Should I Switch to Scrivener? | Ep. 157
Is That Really You God? | Ep. 165
Write with Excellence to Glorify God | Ep. 162
Should I Write Every Day? | Ep. 159
How Do I Know What to Write? (Ep. 156)
Don’t live by other’s expectations of you. | Ep. 164
The Fastest Way to Achieving Your Goals. | Ep. 161
4 Secrets to Writing Your Book | Ep. 158
How Do You Change Your Belief Pattern? | Ep. 155
Tim Cook: The Genius Who Took Apple to the Next Level
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