Christmas is around the corner. People are wrapping gifts, lighting the Christmas tree and decorating cookies for Christmas Day. But what happens when the reason for Christmas dissipates?

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We find the same when it comes to blogs. People build their site, get content ready and when it’s time to continue week after week giving, they give up and stop. In today’s episode, I want to walk you through the reason for blogging, why it’s not about the money and why we should be giving more and more content for free.

In Today’s Episode:

  • Black Friday problems.
  • I braved the stores on Black Friday and found how selfish people are.
  • You can get presents for people, but that’s not what Christmas is all about.
  • A lady and her son wreak havoc at Menards.
  • Jesus said, “I have come to give you life, and life to the full.

  • Why blogging is about giving.

  • When I began blogging, it was to help people live better lives.
  • This blog is about giving without strings attached.
  • Blogs create an avenue to share information.
  • This blog is for anyone who has something on their heart to share with the world.

  • ABC’s of Blogging

  • Avatar – last of the A’s
  • Blog – the short version of Weblog which is written using CMS software (i.e. WordPress).
  • Bitrate – for use in podcasting
  • Blogroll – a feed of news articles, blog posts from other posts.
  • Backlinks – links pointing from your website to another.
  • Bounce Rate – A percentage of people who visit your website, visit one page, and leave.

Let’s Talk About It:

[reminder]What one way can you give to your audience through your blog?[/reminder]


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My desire is to help leaders and writers stay motivated with clarity so they can find their voice and succeed in their family, ministry/business and life. Thank you for your support.

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