Over the past several weeks I completed a 6-week Sabbatical. This time was set aside to recharge, refresh and re-engage with my passions. But to top off the experience with a cherry on top, my wife and I took a much needed family vacation.

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The challenge of taking a vacation, is finding the time, but also unplugging from modern life. Computers, phones and tablets are challenging to get rid of, because we’re always needed to be plugged into the matrix. In today’s episode, I want to walk you through 7 things you can do to recharge your batteries and come back from vacation refreshed and stress free.

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In Today’s Episode:

  • Disable, or turn off your email accounts.
  • Delete, or log-out of important task oriented programs.
  • Don’t focus on Twitter, Facebook or any social media.
  • Set up auto-responders on email and telephone.
  • Rest.
  • Read.
  • Sleep.

Resources in today’s episode:

If you enjoyed this program, please join the conversation by answering this question.

[reminder]When was the last time you unplugged on vacation and what are you planning for your upcoming vacation time of refreshment?[/reminder]

I need your help.

I love what I do. The writing, the recording of this podcast and the impact it’s having on people’s lives. My desire is to do this more than just a freemium–but really take things to the next level. I can’t do it without your help. I’m looking for co-producers to donate $1 per episode per month. If you join me on this journey you’ll be helping me spread the message of clarity, hope and inspiration to take things to the next level–to see people succeed in their family, ministry and life.

If you’d like to become a co-producer of this podcast, you’ll get my deepest thanks and appreciation as well as a mention on the show as my way of saying thank you. You can support the production of this show right here.

Do me this one favor:

If you could do me one favor, head over to subscribe in iTunes and/or rate this show in the iTunes app. It will help us rank higher and help others learn more about this show. I greatly appreciate it!

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