Read 2 Corinthians 12:9-10 and Ephesians 2:8-10

Greetings to you in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ,

There is a song we sing at Life Church called, “Your Grace is Enough.” In this song, it deals with how grace carries us through, and allows us to be strengthened by Christ Jesus. I feel we, as believers, don’t fully understand what Grace truly is.  This is why I’ve decided to start studying grace and search the scriptures for what God qualifies as grace.

Grace is not measured out as one would measure flour, however grace in Christ is already measured out in full. Paul makes that clear through Jesus’ words in 2 Corinthians 12:9; “My grace is sufficient (enough) for you.” There is nothing you or I can do to get God’s grace. It is already available for us to have. In other words, it’s by faith we’re saved—through grace! Ephesians 2:8. It is nothing we can do!

God knew ahead of time that we would need grace to make it through life, and, He made it simple for us to attain. Grace is one of the greatest gifts He gave us. We have nothing to boast about.

A simple definition from Webster is as follows… “Grace is the unmerited favor granted to us through sanctification.” When we accept the saving work of Jesus Christ on the cross, God grants to us grace. It’s nothing on our own part, but wholly lays on God the Father to give us, the moment we are sanctified (made holy) by the blood of Jesus Christ, grace.

As you go out this week, I pray the grace of Christ Jesus blesses you and allows you to carry on, even if life gets difficult. There is nothing we can do about life’s circumstances; however, we can wholly rely on God’s grace to give us the strength we need to finish our day strong. Remember His grace is sufficient (enough) for you. Now, go in the strength and admonition of the Lord, and may His grace abound in your life.

Blessings in Christ,

J. B. Sisam

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