My dad was grew up as a farmer, and many of the things he learned in his years as a farmer he’s passed onto me. It’s fun to look at the fields, the farm implements and tractors. Anytime you plant a seed it takes hard work and dedication to keep the roots alive and happy. If one expects their plants to live, they need to make sure the soil is ready to receive that seed – and that takes time, energy and food to create fertile soil.

flickr / Bindaas Madhavi

flickr / Bindaas Madhavi

Our lives are not so different. God has called us to live life in preparation for those who do not yet know Christ. Living the Christian life has never been said to be easy. We are to live above the norm. We are to hate the things of this world. In other words, do not cherish or like thing things this world has to offer.

We see sin everywhere. We see it on TV, magazines, books, video games… we see it everywhere. I’m not saying all those are inherently bad, what I am saying is that they are the things Satan will use against us, so that our hearts will be far from God.

The more we listen to the World and the things of this world, we will stumble and cause others to stumble in the process. Jesus calls us to live lives of listening and understanding what God expects of us. He knew the hearts of mankind would grow callous and that they would stop listening to God. You can’t see if your eyes are welded shut.

Here are types of Christians Jesus talks about in Matthew 13.

1. Path son Christians:

So many Christians live lives of simplicity. They only want to sit on the sidelines. They don’t want to get involved. They think that Church is only there for their own convenience. They believe what they want. Sure the seed of God’s word is there, but it is that seed in which will be taken away and stolen by Satan.

These type of Christians live life by hearing God’s word and not applying it to their life, in other words, they don’t understand and wonder what the point of this whole Christian existence is all about anyway. God calls us to be better, to hear and understand then obey what He says.

2. Rocky Ground Christians:

There are those who hear God’s word, love it, and understand, however when Monday comes, they don’t allow that word to take root. These types of Christians are weak in their faith. They believe in God, but they don’t go any further than that. They don’t care about church, or other Christians, they just think they can make it on their own.

So many Christians think that by coming to church, receiving what we as leaders say is good enough for God. Church is about fellowship with others of like faith. If we connect with others of like faith, we will grow, and we will succeed in life. But too many live a rocky life, and allow their selves to be nominal Christians. The sad reality is when they get thrown into the pressure cooker, they back down and falter in their faith.

3. Thorny Christians:

These Christians truly are two faced. They like the things of God and the things of this world at the same time. However, what they don’t realize is it is in these things that the enemy will use to choke out the Word of God.

The World kills the joy and the faith Christians have. Church is not a priority. Church has to become a priority in our lives; otherwise, the enemy will use the World to bring us down. These Christians would rather have the best of both worlds, and truth to tell, if that’s what you want then know that God will not speak to you, and I would say you truly aren’t a Christian.

4. Good Ground Christians:

These are those who truly love and honor God with everything they’ve got. They make God a priority. They make reading God’s Word a priority, they make coming to church on Sundays and Wednesday’s a priority.

Our lives should revolve around God and Church not the other way around. These Christians receive the good Word of God and allows it to change their behavior, to change their lives. Most of the time people make fun of Good Ground Christians. Let them!

You don’t have to worry about what it means to be a Christian or not… it’s about allowing God to work in and through you. Because when God works through us our good fruit pay off and people come to faith in Jesus Christ, simply by us living a holy life.

How are you going against the grain of society? How do you live differently than how people, government and society want you life? Share below, on Facebook or Twitter!

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