May 22, 2017 | Productivity, Writing |
The craft of writing is a lot of hard work. Yes, those easy moments happen when the Muse shows up. But the line that separates good writers from hacks, is the line between writing and rewriting. A good craftsman is good at working on every page, sentence, and...
Mar 29, 2017 | Podcast, Productivity, The J. B. Sisam Show |
Life is taxing. The more we do, the more we can easily forget what’s important. When it comes to writing, blogging and work, if you don’t have a solid to-do list you will start failing at everything you do. [featured-image single_newwindow=”false”] In...
Mar 15, 2017 | Podcast, Productivity, The J. B. Sisam Show |
Do you look at the thousands of unread emails in your inbox and wonder if you’ll ever get to them? I can’t tell you how often someone asks me how I deal with 5 different email accounts. It’s easier than you think. [featured-image single_newwindow=”false”]...
Feb 13, 2017 | Productivity |
Time is something we all have. In fact 1,440 minutes a day. The question is, how are we using those precious minutes God has given us? For most people, they find time slipping away like a thief in the night. It’s like traveling on a slippery road, you’re...
Jan 24, 2017 | Podcast, Productivity, The J. B. Sisam Show |
Apps, apps and more apps. These are the things we download and find ourselves distracted. But what if I were to tell you, there are 5 powerful apps you can use every day to make you more productive? [featured-image single_newwindow=”false”] In...
Jan 16, 2017 | Productivity, Writing |
We all need to find the perfect solution for all our paper and writing needs. Well, look no further than one of the best programs I’ve found, Evernote. This program has helped me go nearly paperless at home and at the office. [featured-image...