Writing requires focus. Not just short bursts of focus, but long months on end drawn-out Focus to get you from point A to point B.

This is why so many people never finish their books, they don’t put into practice the right criteria and the right mindset for writing their book. In today’s episode, we’re talking about our content and how to be clear on your message, how to stay focused, how to be relevant, and how to get that first draft written.

If you follow these five criteria you’ll develop a structure and have the basic Direction that will help you write your book efficiently.

  1. How to get clear on your message.
  2. How to stay focused.
  3. How to be relevant.
  4. How to be creative.
  5. How to get that first draft written.

[reminder]Where have you lost focus on getting your book written? What’s holding you back?[/reminder]

Resources in today’s episode:

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