Dec 12, 2016 | Personal Development, Productivity |
We have a problem as humans. Each year we desire to set New Year Resolutions and two weeks later, we quit. There are so many ways we can track our goals. And seeing true accomplishment is easier than you think. [featured-image single_newwindow=”false”]...
Dec 5, 2016 | Productivity, Uncategorized, Writing |
I love to write. It’s fun to sit down and watch the cursor put words onto the screen. However, if you’ve ever sat down to write a book, after a few pages you wonder if you’ll ever get your book written. [featured-image...
Jun 15, 2016 | Podcast, Productivity, The J. B. Sisam Show |
Do you find yourself running tired. You get your eight hours of sleep, but you still find your efforts falling short? When we learn to focus our efforts on what matters most, we’ll find ourselves recharged and energized to continue the fight one more day....
May 23, 2016 | Personal Development, Productivity |
Our lives are filled with distractions. They keep us from remaining focused on everything we have to accomplish. Distractions come in all sorts of shapes and sizes; and without the proper tools, they’ll take over our daily productivity. [featured-image...
Apr 4, 2016 | Personal Development, Productivity |
We live in a world where it’s becoming increasingly difficult to remain focused. We find more on television than we can keep up with. We have Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat and more to keep us preoccupied for hours on end. We have so much that that vies for our...
Jan 6, 2016 | Productivity, Writing |
Have you ever found yourself connected to people on the blogs you read? As bloggers, we are in the relationship business. This is the power of blogging, we have the ability to impact someone’s life. But what does it take to be a great blogger. I’ve been...