When life takes us down a new road we tend to follow the curve. But we also need to be aware of where God wants to take us in the very long journey of life. The journey of life is tedious and dangerous. Yet with the right reflexes we can learn to navigate the hard turns we might have to take. What does it mean to be driven in life? What is purpose in being driven and why do we need to be driven?

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Getty Images / m3ss

I remember the first time my father took my driving. Sitting behind the wheel, as a fifteen year old, was nerve racking. I cannot tell you how many times I killed the car by popping the clutch too soon or too fast.

I tried not to get upset or frustrated. But when you don’t know what you’re doing, life gets frustrating.

Because life is taxing, we must find a way to allow God to take control. When things got too tough for me, my dad would take over, show me how it’s done then have me get back behind the wheel and try again.

What happens when we lose sight of where we’re headed? Our vision becomes clouded and out of focus. We trip. We fall. We fail.

Being Driven Towards a Goal:

We must be moving towards an end goal. We cannot sit idly by and allow life to consume our time. My father likes to say that life is just a snapshot in the scope of eternity. But if we don’t know where we’re headed, life can take some frustrating turns. We are created in the very image of God. (Gen [1:26]).

Because God is unique in community with himself, we must be in community with our Body, Soul and Spirit. The very fact that we’re created in His image means that our very existence represents Him. Family is a good representation – our families should be a reflection of the community of the Godhead.

It doesn’t matter what happens in our life. Storms will rise. But we must be in total communion with God. We are to be driven towards Him. Our lives are to resound about Him and His goodness. In other words, when people look at us, they need to see God.

If we don’t take the active time to pursue Him faithfully, daily – people won’t see Him in us.

If we decide to live our lives outside of being driven towards Christ – our fruit will show. We’ll see lack in our finances. Hardships in life. We’ll always be angry at everyone except at ourselves––blaming where we know the blame should be placed upon ourselves. Our fruit is a direct result of how we choose to drive the vehicle called life.

“…but if I live on in the flesh this will mean fruit from my labor; yet what I shall choose I cannot tell. For I am heard-pressed between the two, having a desire to depart and be with Christ… is far better.” Phil [1:22]-23

Grow Down deep

If we want our lives count––the goal is to live our whole life as Christ. Strive to be like Him. Nothing should ignite the passion in our lives except the very fact of being Driven towards God––to a deeper and more intimate life with Him.

How do we do that? Simple – prayer, supplication, and time in the Word of God. The more we spend time with Him, we’ll see our lives begin to produce fruit that will last for eternity.

Col. 2:7 (LBV) “Let your roots grow down into Christ and draw up nourishment from Him. See that you go on growing in the Lord, and become strong and vigorous in the truth.”

Rom. [8:29] (MSG) “God knew what He was doing from the very beginning. He decided from the outset to shape the lives of those who love him along the same lines s the life of His Son… We see the original and intended shape of our lives there in Him.”

When we allow ourselves to be molded by the Master’s hands, our lives become living testimonies of how awesome He is. God is calling us to be leaders who allow ourselves to be driven in every area of our lives towards Him. If that happens, lives will be changed for eternity.

This is why Paul says to allow our roots to grow down deep into Christ. This is where our lives make the most for the Kingdom of God. We are to be constantly moving forward, never looking back, but seeing the fruits of our efforts in our lives and ministries.

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