Have you ever been invited to a party by someone you hardly know? Have you deliberately not gone to a party just because they have served alcoholic beverages and nothing else? What are we supposed to do? Are we to attend such gatherings of people and enjoy ourselves, make new friends, or are we to ignore and not go?

We are to be ambassadors of the message that God has given us. How we choose to live our life will depend on how they accept or reject us. Depending on how we interact with those we’re communicating our heart with, we will either draw them deeper into that message, or push them away. How would they react if they find out we go to church and are a Christ follower, or if our political ideologies differs from theirs?

When I write for this blog or put together my podcast–which will return next week–I look for two things, an invite into the conversation and a belonging to the part, so to speak.

What do I mean by that? Two things:

– The Invite –

Many times we look at our lives in the world and wonder if there is more. Are we to just go through the motions and live a life of simplicity, or are we to live our lives that count something? Should we count the cost? People tend to think and rationalize their belief systems when it comes to hanging out with those who view life differently.

For me, do I write this blog for those don’t go to church or care if there’s a God, or should I for those who do or both? Yet, there are those who believe that hanging out with Christians, like me, is a very boring thing to do. So they simply don’t.

What does it take to make a difference? Is it talking about church or about living a life that matters? Don’t get me wrong; church is very important part of life–we need it. Sometimes it seems, to the world, that Christians are boring and don’t know how to have fun. Now the a lot of people find the definition of having fun is getting slammed on Friday night and then having to deal with the hangover the next day.

There are times, whether a neighborhood gathering, at work, and maybe just another social event — we will at some point or another be invited to go to a non-Christian, non-Church sponsored party. The question is, are we going to take the  Walk Across the Room idea and go? Matt. [28:18]-20

In Jesus’ case, He did just that. Matthew threw a party for Jesus and invited all of his friends. People mocked Jesus and called him a sinner. I believe if we are to have an impact into someones life that is far from God, we need to go where they are and not wait for them to come to us in the Church building. We have the answers they are looking for and all we have to do is take the invite.

– The Party –

Our goal as believers in Christ is to see people come to the saving knowledge of the King. Yet, if we are not actively reaching out to people where they’re at, we will never see them find the Lord. They are wanting and waiting to see if we accept them in their own environment. I was at our annual, “National Neighbor’s Day Out” last summer, there was food, beer and an assortment of other alcohol drinks — I brought soda — and several people I had not met. We all had a great time, then it was asked what I did for work I said that I was a Pastor at Life Church — One lady asked me if she needed to treat me any differently — I said she didn’t. When they asked me why I was in the ministry, my answer was to see and help people live better lives.

Everything I mentioned was simple and sometimes very vague — yet it was to get their appetite wet for the things of God. I believe that if we learn to just live our lives out and stop preaching at a non-believer we will become more effective in reaching them. We should be accepting them as they are, forgive their sin, and help them along the way to the path of LIFE AND TRUTH. Jesus said to go and make disciples, this starts with a relationship. Our number one priority is to see the souls of people saved from eternal damnation in hell — and to see them live a life full of God.

Jesus said, “Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick.” If we want to be more like Jesus, we need to be reaching out into our communities and workplaces for  the Lord. Mark Hall of  Casting Crowns wrote in a song once, “If we are the body, why aren’t His arms reaching, why aren’t his hands healing, why isn’t His Word teaching…?” People have within their minds and hearts a desire for the Eternal God and for something that will give them life and hope — we just have to RSVP and show up to meet them where they are at.

Blessings in Christ Jesus our Lord,

J. B. Sisam

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