Do you have a message on your heart that the world needs to hear? There’s one way to make that happen, and you can start today for cheap. That one thing, podcasting. Whether you’re an author, pastor or entrepreneur, podcasting is right for you. You don’t have to have a large audience to start, you can begin today.

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In this encore episode, I unpack how easy it is to begin your very own podcast show. It’s not as expensive as you think, and in light of episode 67 now that we have our life plan in place, we can help others succeed in theirs–and podcasting is one great way to make that happen.

Listen to the audio:

In this encore episode:

  1. Finding your unique idea.
  2. Picking out the right audio equipment. The best part, it doesn’t have to cost a lot.
  3. Choosing your website.
  4. Know your why? Why are you wanting to share your voice with the world. Answer this one question, and you’ll find raving fans for life.


[reminder]Have you thought about starting your own podcast? What would your show be about?[/reminder]


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