I started blogging in 2009. At first, I had no clue as to what I was doing. I thought blogging was writing whatever you wanted. No one told me there was a proven workflow/path you should follow. The results were staggering.

[featured-image single_newwindow=”false”]Image courtesy flickr.com/Carissa Rogers[/featured-image]

Not knowing the power of social engagement, I actually posted my blog articles on Facebook. But because consistency was a huge issue for me, the return on that writing investment never paid off. I knew I had to change, I knew there was a better way to write blog posts. And that’s exactly what I did.

You may have a blog, but your content lacks the attention it deserves. The question running in your mind may be, ‘what am I doing wrong?’ There’s nothing wrong with that question, in-fact I asked that very same one on multiple occasions.

Whether you’re just getting started or been struggling for a while on your content, I want to give you 7 how-to steps to crafting a killer blog post. This is my recipe and my proven blogging workflow.

1. Be real. One of the biggest issues a lot of beginning bloggers have, they’re not real. They put on a facade and don’t tell people where they’re at in life. Readers are looking for writers who are authentic. They want to relate.

If you can’t make yourself approachable, you should get out while you’re ahead. Tell stories, keep in interesting. If you do, they’ll come back for more.

2. Create WOW with your headlines. I love to cook and the part of cooking that gets me excited is the sizzle of fresh meat touching a hot, oiled pan. Your headline is the sizzle that will encourage the reader to continue reading. If your headline falls flat and isn’t interesting, people will pass by without blinking.

  • Keep it short and simple, but give it punch.
  • Use numbered lists. (eg. this post headline: 7 How-to steps to crafting a killer blog post.)
  • Ask a question. Questions allow people to think then desire the answer.
  • Use 5-10 words per headline.
  • Use keywords for SEO (Search Engine Optimization).

3. Use relevant images. I’m not talking a small image. Use a header/feature image at the top of your blog post. People eat with their eyes first. This is why a relevant image is so important. There’s a reason magazines use pictures. They draw people into the content.

Remember, an image is like a thousand words. It will convey the message of your blog post.

4. Use personal anecdotes. Story is king. Just look at the 4 Gospels. Jesus was the master story-teller. In-fact he did most of his teaching in the form of story.

If you’re going to grab attention–tell a personal story. Don’t settle, keep it real and keep it simple. I use Evernote to store my personal anecdotes. However you recall your personal stories, use them to enhance your posts.

5. Make your content scannable. Our world today is all about living in the fast lane. The attention span of the average adult is less than 2 minutes reading any given page on the internet. But if your content is scannable and enjoyable–they’ll stay longer and finish what you have to say.

  • Use numbers.
  • Use bullets points.
  • Use outlines.
  • Use short-paragraphs.

6. Lose your thesaurus. As a writer, I love a good thesaurus. The problem today, most think a thesaurus is a name for a dinosaur. In all seriousness, writers love to find words that go. But a new type of word, that doesn’t fit in the context of the script, will distract a reader from finishing your work.

In some cases, using one will signal to the reader there’s a change in topic coming. Keep it simple and use words that you would use in normal conversation. Because that’s what we’re having, a conversation with others.

7. Make your posts easy to share on social media. The best way to create a killer blog post is to make it easy to share. People who enjoy what they read, will share with their friends and family. This is why at the top and bottom of all of my blog posts, I’ve included an easy way for you to share on your favorite social media accounts.

If you follow these simple steps, I guarantee you’ll see success. But nothing will happen unless we take the time to follow a proven workflow. Once I followed these 7 tips, I saw the difference it made in my SEO and in my weekly traffic.

So what are you waiting for, get out there and start writing.

[reminder]What tips do you have to share? Did I miss anything?[/reminder]

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